Unifying the online presence for New Zealand's national physiotherapy membership organisation.
Physiotherapy New Zealand is the national membership organisation for physiotherapists - over 4,000 members benefit from their services which includes advocacy, professional development, research and networking opportunities.
They had been operating two websites for a while; a public facing site and a separate site for the membership base of over 4000 physiotherapists. Aside from being impractical, managing two websites was contributing to an inconsistent visual identity and split focus in the overall PNZ offering.
Our brief was to design and develop a new website for Physiotherapy NZ that delivers relevant content for different user groups/stakeholders, provides an easy portal to log in for member-only content, improves the user experience, reflects a strong and consistent visual identity and works as an easy and functional tool for the internal PNZ team.
Early on we conducted membership research to interrogate the likes and dislikes of the existing site, and worked closely with Cyberglue developers to design the UX and accompanying visuals that would give PNZ the wins it needed. Built on Cyberglue's MemberConnex platform, the public and membership sites were launched in tandem with their public advertising campaign.